College and Career

College and Career

Monday, May 9, 2016

You've chosen your college...

Hey seniors!

You've chosen your what?

After months of intensive research and deliberation, you have finally made one of the most important decisions of your life: where you will attend college this fall.  What's left to do?

  • Pay your deposit!  If you haven't committed to your school, do this ASAP.  For many schools, it requires you to pay a deposit.  For others, you may have to fill out a form or register online.  Check with your school for more information.
  • Register for orientation.  Many schools, especially four-year schools, require new freshman to attend orientation.  Typically orientation occurs over the summer after high school ends, but each institution is different. 
  • Start shopping for dorm room essentials.  If you plan on living on-campus, chances are you will need to buy some items for your dorm room that you may not have already at home.  For instance, many colleges will have beds that are size Twin XL.  Besides sheets, some other items to consider are shower caddies, toiletries, pillows, towels, and any decorative items you may want (small area rugs, photos of loved ones, etc).
  • Check out your financial aid package.  Depending on the type of aid you have recieved, action may be required on your behalf.  Although this too varies from school to school, you may have to accept or decline certain financial awards.  Make sure you are familiar with your financial aid package and how much it will cost you out of pocket each year.
  • Notify your other colleges. Notify the other colleges you were accepted to that you will not be attending.  Only do this when you are absolutely certain you will be attending the college of your choice.